Friday, January 15, 2010

no good title

So my strategy this week, to get through the week has been to stay extremely busy. I have been going to lectures, working in coffee shops, leaving the apt. first thing in the morning and not coming back till late. It's been working pretty well until 3:00 AM rolls around. I actually fall asleep but then wake up at 3 and my mind is racing racing racing.

I just found out that my midwife's mother was killed in the earthquake in Haiti and their house was destroyed. This really presonalizes this horrible horrible disaster. I am so sad for her. And she is the one who called me Monday night to give me the initial test results of the amnio after having been up all night and having done 4 deliveries in 3 days, I guess that was the day before the earthquake hit. I don't really know Martine so well but I have a gut feeling that she comes from a long line of healers, I am sure her mom must have helped many people in Haiti. Life just feels so endlessly cruel and unfair sometimes. She is trying to get to Haiti to bring her father back here. He was coming home as the quake struck so he was not in the house. It's so unfathomable what has happened there.

I was thinking of documenting all the things Hjalmer (we've started calling this creature inside me Hjalmer, a helmeted Finnish soldier, I keep reminding Mr. T not to grow too attached to that name because it will not last!) has done, places he's been, people he's hung out with in utero. A record of his pre-journey journey.

So this week Hjalmer went to 4 different coffee shops, 2 i Brooklyn 2 in Manhattan each for over 3 hours. A lecture about prostitutes and surveillance in early 20th century NYC at the tenement museum, drinks with Mr. T's co-workers, a lame immigrant rights rally at Judson Memorial church, the playground at washington square park with Haya and Leah, a movie about garbage in Cairo, biked over the Manhattan bridge 4 times, a CSA meeting, a long meeting at the PACC office, the supermarket and post office. It's been a busy week in utero! Lets hope the nutrients are finally getting to him.

Now we are off to buy a card and give some money to Martine to bring to Haiti with her as soon as she is able to get a flight!

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