Thursday, January 7, 2010

long hard day

I woke up crying at 4:30 in the morning and couldn't get back to sleep.

We met with the doctor for what I thought was a consult but turned in to an all day and incredibly painful affair.

The good news, very good news, is that all the organs are there, the spine and heart look good and nothing seems to be missing! The bad news is that the baby is smaller than it should be, about 2 weeks smaller than it should be at this point. I still don't understand how they can calculate it with such confidence.

We've seen lots of movement, though i have yet to feel anything. The baby is a squirmer! and a kicker and a puncher!

As the nicest of the 5 techs I met explained it it's like going to fill your car with gas and only having one valve that the gas is coming out of, it will fill but will take longer! So we have to rule out whether it's just small or if this is indictiave of something much worse. So today I had to have an amnio, a procedure that i was not at all mentally prepared to do today and was horribly painful but luckily didn't last too long. My stomach is still in knots as a result and i am waiting for a call for my midwife for some advice. I had breakfast at 7:30 AM and then nothing till after 3:00 when i got some soup. I started walking to the subway but my stomach is too upset to walk right now so i am parked in a fancy hotel lobby.

The other thing they have to rule out is blood clots, that the placenta is clotting and not enough blood is getting to the baby which is keeping it small. So they took more than 15 things of blood, I've never had a doctor take that much blood before. the told me to drink lots b/c they were taking so much blood and all they have are these tiny dentist size paper shot glasses, it was a joke. Mr. T was filling up 2 at a time as i downed one after another. I love doctors offices!

In 2 weeks we go back for a fetal ekg and test results.

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